Tuesday 16 June 2020

NEWS: Meet Laaj the Nigerian International artist doing really great in the Disapora..

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Ejuetami oritselaju Austin stage named LAAJ is a Nigerian born artist doing real good in the disapora. He hails from The South South, Delta state to be precise and was born in the early 90's..

The singer/Songwriter and preforming artist who is the ceo to his self owned label "Laju Music" has earned himself a lot of accolades in the international music scene.

The international act LAAJ has added topnotch collaborations to his profile, he has work with artist like Slimcase, Mr Real, Duncan Mighty and also recently he released a masterpiece with one of africas most popular Disc Junkie "Dj Consequence", song topped Itunes Chart for more than 7 days in Nigeria..

To connect with Laaj

INSTAGRAM: @official_laaj
TWITTER: @official_laaj

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